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Kim Dong-in's career

김동인 경력2024

by akdij 2024. 4. 10.

I am Dongin Kim, my works in Western painting and printmaking in Ulsan. I graduated from Nambumin Elementary School and Saha Middle School in Busan, and Busan Nam High School in 1981. I graduated from Kyungsung University's College of Arts and Pusan ​​National University's Graduate School of Education's Department of Fine Arts. I started my career as an art teacher at Ulsan Hyundai Cheongun Middle School, and went on to teach at Hyundai Middle School/Hogye Middle School/Hwaam Middle School/Ulsan Aniwon High School, and retired from Beomseo High School. I have been an art teacher for 33 years while working on my art. Starting with my first solo exhibition in 1996, I have held 23 solo exhibitions in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, and Ulsan as of 2023. I am currently preparing for my 24th solo exhibition. Currently, he is the Vice President of the Ulsan Branch of the Korean Fine Arts Association, the Korean Creative Fine Arts Association, the Ulsan Fine Arts Association, the Ulsan Contemporary Artists Association, the Ulsan Printmaking Association, the Ulsan People’s Association, an invited artist for the Ulsan Art Competition, and a member of the Ulsan Architectural Artwork Deliberation Committee. In the meantime, he has served as the President of the Ulsan Youth Artists Association, Senior Vice President of the Ulsan Art Association, Vice Chairman of the Ulsan Art Competition Steering Committee, Ulsan Art Competition Judge, President of the Ulsan Contemporary Artists Association, President of the Ulsan Art Education Research Association, President of the Ulsan Printmaking Association, General Director and Steering Committee Chairman of the Ulsan International Woodcut Festival, Steering Committee Chairman of the Ulsan Asia Print Festival, and Steering Committee Chairman of the Ulsan International Woodcut Biennale.



저는 울산에서 서양화와 판화작업을 하는 김동인입니다. 부산에서 남부민초등학교, 사하중학교를 거쳐 1981년 부산남고등학교를 졸업하고 경성대학교 예술대학과 부산대학교 교육대학원 미술과를 졸업하고 울산 현대청운중학교 미술교사 생활을 시작하여 현대중학교/호계중학교/화암중학교/울산애니원고등학교를 거쳐 범서고등학교에서 명예퇴직 하기까지  33년의 미술교사 생활을 작품활동과 병행하였습니다. 1996년 첫 개인전을 시작으로 2023년 현재 23회의 개인전을 서울, 부산, 대구, 울산에서 가진바 있습니다. 현재 24회 개인전을 준비중입니다.


현재 한국미협, 한국창조미협 울산지회 부회장, 울산미협, 울산현대미술작가회, 울산판화협회, 울산사람회, 울산미술대전 초대작가, 울산건축물 미술작품 심의위원으로 활동중이며 그동안 울산청년작가회 회장, 울산미술협회 수석부회장,  울산미술대전 부운영위원장, 울산미술대전 심사위원, 울산현대미술작가회 회장, 울산미술교육연구회 회장, 울산판화협회장, 울산국제목판화페스티벌 총감독 및 운영위원장, 울산아시아판화제 운영위원장, 울산국제목판화비엔날레운영위원장을 역임하였다.


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