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김동인.우성립 展 2022. 7. 14.
10th Ulsan International Woodcut Print Art Festival At the 10th Ulsan International Woodcut Print Art Festival, 200 woodcut prints will be exhibited for a month from July 19th (Tuesday) at the Ulsan Museum Special Exhibition Hall. Excluding about 120 works by 100 artists from 8 countries, including Korea, USA, UK, Australia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Italy and Germany, who participate in the main exhibition, Taiwan, Japan, and China exhibited in the .. 2022. 7. 14.
The second poster for the 10th Ulsan International Woodcut Festival was created. The second poster was made with the work of artist Kim Eok expressing the Ulsan-Daewangam Bridge and whales in the East Sea as the background. 2022. 7. 14.
KBS문화공감 인터뷰 2022. 3. 30.
김동인 경력 김동인 (金東仁) 62. 경남함안 생 75. 남부민초등학교 39회 졸업 78. 사하중학교 6회 졸업 81. 부산남고등학교 24회 졸업 경성대학교 예술대학 회화과 입체PART 졸업 부산대학교 교육대학원 미술교육 졸업 83. 청년미술대상전 입선(청년미술관/서울) 84. 부산미술대전 입선(시민회관/부산) L.A International Art Competition(L.A) 즉흥전 (부산) 87. 부산청년비엔날레 (부산일보 전시실) 88. 부산미술대전 입선(시민회관/부산) INDEPENDENT전(국립현대미술관/서울) 삼천포 야외설치전(노산공원/삼천포) 89. 다른생각 창립전 (사인화랑/부산) 부산미술대전 입선(문화회관/부산) 112-113 CLASS전 (부산) 90. 사인화랑 신춘기획 신인전 (사인화랑/부산) .. 2022. 3. 14.
The 10Th Ulsan International Woodcut Print Art Festival 2022 summary The 10Th Ulsan International Woodcut Print Art Festival 1. Eligibility and application submission 1) Eligibility for participation in the 2022 Ulsan International Woodcut Art Festival is limited to Artists recommended by each country selection committee appointed by the Ulsan International Woodcut Art Festival Steering Committee. 2) Application deadline: April 8, 2022 (Friday) 3) Wo.. 2022. 3. 14.